Success In 10 Steps

Friday, October 10, 2014

"Negative relatives"

Negative relatives. 
You have heard them say:
  • "You are just trying to make money off me!"
  • "It's too good to be true."
  • "These things don't work."
  • "Call me later, after you are rich."
  • "There is always a catch in these schemes."
  • "It's a pyramid."
  • "You have never been successful before, so why should I listen to you?"
Relatives can be so cruel. It is almost like they have been practicing negativity all their lives.

But what is really happening inside of their minds? Maybe this conversation is going on:

"Yes, of course I would like more money in my life. And yes, of course I think people want better health, better skin, better travel, better prices, etc. However ... I don't believe what you are telling me."

There is a skill that we must learn if we are to become successful in network marketing. That skill is how to get prospects to believe the good things we say. You see, we all say good things. That's the easy part. But getting others to believe and trust us is a bit harder.

Now, getting more good things to say won't fix that problem. Instead, we have to learn how prospects decide in their minds to trust and believe what they are told.

If this problem is slowing down your business, fix it fast. Of all my books, this is my favorite. Why? Because this book describes the first skill we need in any presentation: trust. 

Learn 13 different ways to get your prospects to believe you.

Read ... or listen while you drive, and learn how to make all your presentations a lot easier. Get my 
How To Get Instant Trust, Belief, Influence and Rapport! 13 Ways To Create Open Minds By Talking To The Subconscious Mind book now.

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