Success In 10 Steps

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

“What I learned today …”

“What I learned today …”
At night, review with yourself, “What I learned today … ”
It is an interesting exercise. We get to review lessons learned during the day, and see if today was wasted, with nothing new learned, or if today made us a slightly smarter or better person.
Most leaders didn’t stop learning in high school. They continue to learn, grow, and set the pace for their team. They know they must learn new knowledge and skills for their new profession.
So which path are you choosing?
#1. To learn more every day. Maybe read a chapter in a motivational book that helps you see new possibilities. Maybe learn a new way to meet new prospects in a different niche. Maybe learn how to explain your compensation plan better so prospects engage and connect. Or …
#2. To stay the same. To get the same results by using the same information and skills that you had yesterday.
So do something different. Attend a marketing class. Read about the background of your products on the Internet. Talk to a fellow distributor about how they solve their toughest challenges.
We learn more so that we can earn more.
If none of the above options fit your daily schedule, you can join our learning community at:  

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