Success In 10 Steps

Sunday, January 26, 2014

How to Get That Crazy Wrap Thing

Have you heard of that "Crazy Wrap Thing"? Doe's it actually work? Here is a video that explains everything you need  to know in order to make a decision on whether it is right for you.

The wrap is sold in a box of four and only needs to be applied once a week. It detoxifies the body,tightens,tones and  firms troubled areas. You should drink lots of water and apply the wrap to clean dry skin. Do not use lotions that may cause your pours to close up.

Apply the wrap to troubled area and smooth out getting all the wrinkles out, Apply a couple of layers of saran wrap to make sure the wrap doe's not move around.

For further details and check out our full line of products check out my website at

Is Online Marketing For Me?

Is Online Marketing For Me?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The # 1 Lie In Internet Marketing

Lie #1 - Everyone is your prospect!

A similar version of this lie is:

“Everyone wants this, they just don’t know it yet!”

An article found in a popular network marketing publication declares that, “You just have
to believe that everyone is you prospect!”

This insane belief has led to such ridiculous practices as the “3 foot rule” and the “when
in doubt, blurt it out” technique.

Because of this lie, people have the mistaken idea that talking to anyone and everyone
they come within arms length of is an effective recruiting technique.
Prospecting Red Lobster waitresses…employees at Marshall Field’s…gas station
clerks…total strangers at malls…the postman…kiosk stands…the girl at
Caribou…leaving flyers on car windshields…

…These kind of antics have damaged this industry’s reputation almost beyond repair.
They have absolutely destroyed any image of professionalism and made it harder for
everyone to sponsor people.
These “street hustler” methods of recruiting have single-handedly placed network
marketing on the same level as some low-life schmuck peddling fake Rolexes in the
minds of most people.

It’s absolute lunacy. Don’t buy into this fallacy. This isn’t evangelism for cryin’ out loud!

Not everyone is your prospect.

One of the most important lessons I’ve ever learned in marketing is this:
People Who Try To Be Everything To Everybody,
Wind Up Meaning Nothing Special To Anyone.

See, not everyone is looking to run their own business. Contrary to what we’ve been told, there are actually a substantial amount of people who are 100% content with being an employee and have no desire whatsoever to change that.

Some people love their job and wouldn’t give it up for a million bucks. Some people despise network marketing and would rather be buried alive than be associated with it.Some people despise business in general. Some people think making lots of money is a bad thing. Some people don’t have the funds to properly run a business. Some people are absolutely scared to death of anything that involves risk. Some people have plenty of money and aren’t looking for anything else. Some people just plain old don’t care. Some people don’t have time. Some people just aren’t cut out to be entrepreneurs and are better
off working at McDonald’s. Some people are perfectly content with where they are at in life and have no desire to change. That’s fine.

Whatever the case, you do not need to convince anyone to get into this business. It’s a
waste of your time and energy to try and do so.

Please listen very carefully:

No One Is Worth Your Time Until They have Shown An Interest In What You’re Offering And Have
Asked You For More Information.

I don’t care if someone fits the mold of what would normally be considered “the perfect mlm prospect”: mid ‘40s…absolutely despises their high-paying corporate j-o-b…wants out of their 9-5…loads of connections…great people skills…sure, they might be a potential prospect, but they’re not a prospect worth pursuing until they’re actively seeking a solution to their problem.

It doesn't matter how qualified you think a person is or how good you think they’d be at this business.

It’s not even enough if a person does want to start their own business. Until they go out of their way to get more information on how to do it, they’re just another bystander. Not a player in the game. They’re not worth going after.

Sure, someone could have great people skills (a waiter for example) but that doesn't mean they’re a good prospect.

They could be so violently opposed to mlm, business opportunities or any other way of making money besides being an employee that it would take a massive barrage of information to ever sway their opinion.

If someone has a strong belief about something it can take years to reverse that.

It’s not a good use of your time to try and convince someone who disagrees with your way of thinking.

As a business owner, your job is not to make a convert out of anyone. Your job is to get the maximum returns possible for your time and efforts. And that means talking with people who are, for the most part, already on the same page as you.

Well…why not at least prospect them and find out?

For one, as stated before, it gives this industry a tacky, “second-rate” image.

And secondly, it’s a horrible first impression for your prospect. Because you have just shown them exactly how you do business – soliciting total strangers.

And no one wants to be a part of that.

You see, mlm uplines love to tote the fact that these marketing tactics (the 3 foot rule, etc.) don’t require any money and therefore are perfect for the average person who doesn’t have a whole lot of extra cash.

Here’s what they fail to tell you: Second rate advertising methods lead to second rate results.

When you market this way, it shows your prospect that you’re the type of business person who isn't professional (or successful) enough to invest in some respectable marketing methods. It immediately projects a “cheap,” rinky-dink image.

Who wants to work with a person who advertises their business like that? Think about it. Do dentists or doctors go around trying to prospect every single person they cross paths with? Hey there, got any built up plaque you want me to take a look at?

Even if you do happen to hit on someone who has a “business mindset,” they’re not likely to take you seriously.

Why? Because…

Who Finds Who First Is Very Important.

When you go head hunting and chase your prospect, the whole operation is doomed to failure because you’re viewed as a nuisance! When they find you and seek you out, you’re viewed as an expert.

Positioning makes all the difference in the world.

I remember this one appointment I had with my son’s friend’s mom. She was adamantly opposed to multi level marketing. The whole appointment with her was about as pleasant as giving blood. I don’t know why I even bothered doing it. (Oh wait – I do know why!

Because everyone’s a prospect!).

Anyways. Towards the end of our lovely time together, I had given up trying to give a good presentation and I said, “So what’s your single biggest objection to network marketing?”

She immediately replied, “Taking advantage of your friends and family.”

I don’t know why but it was at that point during that appointment that I realized how much I truly hated sitting down at someone’s kitchen table and going through my little flip chart. And I realized that I completely agreed with her.

I used to get so excited about it. For a very long time I believed that network marketing was the cure to financial cancer and it was my job to spread the good news throughout the land. Maybe you’ve thought that yourself. Maybe you still do.

But what finally hit me – after I began feverishly studying anything about marketing I could get my hands on – was this: Why make it harder on yourself than you have to?

Why expend valuable time and energy trying to force-feed your opportunity down the throat of someone who’s entirely indifferent?

Why do that when there are millions of people who actually do want to start their own business? 

The ones who warrant your attention are the ones who take the initiative and go out of their way to find out how to do it. These people are prospects.

Another problem with this mentality that really started to wear on me is, if everyone’s a prospect that means you have to constantly be “on the prowl.”

Anytime you first meet somebody, you’re always looking for that “in.” The “in” that will allow you to bring up your opportunity. You know what I’m talking about don’t you?

Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to worry about that? To hold a conversation without thinking of ways to recruit them in the back of your mind? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to separate your personal life from your business life?

If that idea sounds appealing to you, keep reading. A little later I’ll talk about how to do
this by having people come to you instead.

What if instead of having to fork out money for your prospects or leads…people actually PAID YOU upfront to prospect them? Sound impossible? Not when you understand the simple methods behind “information marketing.”

On Any Given Day "You Can't Make Everyone Happy"

One day, somewhere in China, there was an old man who was travelling with a boy & his donkey . 

While the old man walked, the boy rode on the donkey. As they went along their journey they passed some people who were staring at them and remarked that it was a shame for the poor old man to walk and the boy riding on the donkey.

Both the old man and the boy thought that maybe the critics were right so they decided to change positions.

As they continued with their journey, they passed some people who now remarked, 'What a shame! How can he make that little boy walks'

So, then they decided they'd both walk so people would stop making bad remark! Soon, they passed some more people along the way who thought they were stupid to walk when they had a decent donkey to ride on. So, they both got on the donkey and continued with their travel. 

As they passed through a village, they came across some people who began to shame them by saying how awful for both of them to put such a heavy load on a poor donkey.

The boy and the old man figured the villagers were probably right, so they finally decided to carry the donkey. 

As they were crossing a bridge, suddenly they both lost their grip on the animal and it fell into the river and drowned.

What's the moral of the story?

If you ever try to please everyone, you might as well...Kiss Your A** Goodbye!

Ron Tarlton | Press Release: Have You Ever Heard This From Your Business Up Line ?

Ron Tarlton | Press Release: Have You Ever Heard This From Your Business Up Line ?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The most-stolen vehicles of 2012

The most-stolen vehicles of 2012

It might go something like this: You start your car to go to work. You run back inside the house to grab your coffee mug. You come back out. No more car. Thousands of people in Snohomish County become victims of car theft every year, according to police. What kinds of cars are most popular with thieves? Click here to see the top 10 most-stolen vehicles in Washington in 2012.

Older-model Hondas are made like building blocks, local cops say. There are lots out there, and the parts can be interchangeable. Some years' models are relatively easy to steal if you know how. That's why Accords and Civics top the list.

Newer Hondas have technology improvements to prevent theft, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau.

Pickup trucks also are popular. Thieves in stolen pickups have been at the center of a number of high-profile crimes and crashes in Snohomish County this year. Marysville's parks department had its 2007 Ford F-450 flat-bed stolen. It was later recovered.

Vehicles that are stolen sometimes show up nearby a short time later. They often are stripped of parts, the wiring sold for scrap. Sometimes they're never found.

Under Washington law, stealing a car -- or even possessing a stolen car -- is a felony.

Auto-theft prevention tips

  • Take your keys. One in five stolen vehicles have keys in it.
  • Lock your car. Almost half of vehicles stolen are unlocked.
  • Don't hide an extra set of keys inside. They are easily found.
  • Park in well-lit areas.
  • Consider investing in an electronic tracking device.

Louis Teoh | Press Release: Is Making Money On The Internet Too Complicated?

Louis Teoh | Press Release: Is Making Money On The Internet Too Complicated?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Some Inspirational Videos

I Am two of the most "POWERFUL" Word's in the Universe
What is the True Meaning of these "POWERFUL" Word's

Take a few minutes and watch this video.
I have seen this many time and it seems like every time I watch it I hear something that I didn't hear before.
I use this video along with my self talk to clear negative thoughts from my head.
It  worsk like a form of meditation for me.

How to make People like you, Anytime, Anywhere! Good Stuff!)

The Power Of Attraction. Does It Really Work?

Bob Proctor Teaches "YOU" How To Use "The Secret" - Part 1

Big Al Logo

Bob Proctor Teaches "YOU" How To Use "The Secret" - Part 2

Sharon Naraine | Press Release: My Final Words

Sharon Naraine | Press Release: My Final Words

Friday, January 3, 2014

Message From The Founder Of Mentoring For Free

$1.99/Mo. for 12 months of Economy Hosting at

From: Michael Dlouhy
Tuesday, 3:25 am
Dear Network Marketing Friend,
Big promise, isn't it?MLM Mentors Linda & Michael Dlouhy
You bet. But there's more.
MLM is a wonderful industry, but it has one ENORMOUS failing.
New people do not get trained.
They're like babies left in the woods. No hope of survival.
If that is you, then we can help. I commit to you that we will mentor you to become successful & profitable in this business, no matter what company you are with.
We'll train you to build BIG in Network Marketing with ANY MLM company. I'll personally train you & ALL your people on the phone, live & interactive, 5 nights a week. Phone call details CLICK HERE. You will learn EXACTLY, step-by-step, how to build a huge residual income with any company.
You get it all FREE!
Our conference calls NEVER mention a company name. We NEVER say a product name. I train you to NEVER close a sale. I train you to NEVER recruit. But you will learn how to build a huge residual income.
People I respect have told me I'm nuts to give this all away. Ah, well ... no one's perfect. exists because to feel good about myself, I need to help others be successful in MLM. Nothing else does it for me.
Linda & I failed forward for 12 years before I found my own MLM mentor. This man has made many, many MILLIONS of dollars in network marketing. He once recruited 100,000 people in just over 2 years ... back BEFORE the internet days!
I've read every one of his books, listened to every one of his tapes.
He has spent countless hours over 14 years, tutoring me one-on-one ... even when I wasn't in his company and hadn't joined his downline.
This man is a mentor with a servant's heart. He is a shining beacon of what you and I can be.
My goal is to help YOU, just as Tom "Big Al" Schreiter has helped me.
CLICK HERE to read "Big Al"'s MLM Success Story
If I can do that, I'll be happy. Who knows? Maybe some day, you & I WILL wind up working together.
Briefly, here's my MLM philosophy:
Don't sell.
Don't recruit.
Don't say ONE doggone word to family & friends!
Build People. People will build your business.
That's what I've learned, and that's my advice to you. Look for someone who is looking for you. THEY will build your MLM business. Once you're rocking & rolling, THEN go back and pick up family & friends.
We've been mentoring ANYONE in network marketing for free for more years than I can remember. Linda & I have been in MLM 26 years, full-time since 1991.
I spend 7-10 hours a week teaching everybody - even my COMPETITORS - every secret I know.
The Heavy Hitters will tell you it's all crazy. But you know what?
I don't care. It makes me happy.
And you know what else?
From a strictly business point of view, it works. When I freely give everything I know, my business & income build.
Above all, remember this: MLM is NOT a sales business. It is NOT a recruiting business. For long-term success, you should NEVER promote to friends & family.
So what should you do?
Build People. People will build your business.
This website is not about me. It's about you. And it's about people who inspire me, people who are now succeeding after years of network marketing failure. Read their stories. Let them inspire you, too.
Hope you'll join us on the training calls.

Ron Tarlton | Press Release: "On A Cold, January Morning A Violinist Sat Down In A Washington, D.C. Train Station And Started To Play..."

Ron Tarlton | Press Release: "On A Cold, January Morning A Violinist Sat Down In A Washington, D.C. Train Station And Started To Play..."

Stephanie Arwine | Press Release: Step Two, things you should know before starting you work from home business

Stephanie Arwine | Press Release: Step Two, things you should know before starting you work from home business

Tracy Reynolds | Press Release: Why waste time in a Dr's office?

Tracy Reynolds | Press Release: Why waste time in a Dr's office?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What You Get From Mentoring For Free...For Free


Hi I am Coach Ron Tarlton with Mentoring For Free.

It's a relief to be able to offer free help and free training to people,
rather than try to sell them on a product or an opportunity.

I've joined Michael's Mentoring For Free program at


Here are ten good reasons to join Mentoring For Free:

* Work with a team dedicated to your success - free!
* Receive personal training and help with your business - free!
* Learn a proven telephone script -free!
* Listen to live lead calls four days a week - free!
* Learn how to spot a prospect's personality type - free!
* Learn how to begin building a relationship the way THEY want to - free!
* Learn how to relax when talking to people - free!
* Learn how to apply this to your own personal relationships - free!
* Learn the best way to build a list - free!
* Learn how to approach people in a non-threatening way - free!
* Learn how to evaluate network marketing companies - free!
* Learn how to evaluate compensation plans - free!
* Receive Michael Dlouhy's "MLM Letter" - free!
* Set up your own Mentoring For Free Website - free!
* Join a weekly Mastermind call - free!
* Join a weekly 'Mental Cleanse' call - free!
* Download the free ebook "Success in 10 Steps"
* Order the CD "Five Pillars to Success" What to look for in a company.
* Order the CD "Color to Success". Recognizing personality types.
* Order the new report "Powerful Networking Secrets". Lifelong relationships!

Was that more than ten?

That's what you'll find at Mentoring For Free - much more than you expected.

We look forward to helping you any way we can.

Dedicated to your success,

Coach Ron Tarlton 


personal training, network marketing, mentoring, personalities




"Marcello Lisi" MLM Success Story

"In Less Than 4 Months After Starting With Mentoring For Free, We Made Diamond In Our Company"

Marcello Lisi
MLM Success Story

After working in corporate America in the international wireless technology industry & in pharmaceuticals, between the both of us, we had a wealth of corporate knowledge & education from engineering to marketing and sales. Life began to shift and change and we could no longer find satisfaction in our corporate jobs after we had climbed the ladder as far as we could go. We desired more out of life, a quality of living the corporate arena couldn?t offer. In truth, we desired to live a life of purpose.

We began our Network Marketing career a couple of years ago, dreaming of a life more meaningful, more purposeful and supportive of the lifestyle we desired along with time freedom. We were fed up with ?working hard to fulfill the corporate investor?s dreams, we wanted to manifest our own dreams. However we worked very hard and had little success in the beginning of our Network Marketing adventure. We took a step back from the business, engaged in a three month sabbatical to travel visiting friends and family in the U.S.

As we were driving back to Montreal after visiting family in California, we asked and prayed for the answers. Two full rainbows appeared side by side within moments after our prayers. Every color of the rainbow was so vivid, bright and clear to see how each color blended with the next. Within one week of that prayer & seeing the rainbows, we met Michael & Linda Dlouhy & were introduced to Mentoring For Free.

Having good mentorship is definitely the key ingredient for MLM success. Michael Dlouhy poured much knowledge, wisdom, skills and love into us. By walking the path and footsteps of a proven leader with a track record of success and utilizing the power of Mentoring For Free, our team has been duplicating success since day one. Today, we are walking the path of success and mentoring others to walk the same path and truly love helping our team members achieve the success they deserve.

In less than 4 short months after starting with Mentoring For Free, we made Diamond in our company. This was monumental for us and we had never achieved this level of success prior. With all the skills we have learned from our mentors, we saw results right away and now we are building one of the fastest growing teams within the company. It was not merely our own efforts that helped us arrive here -- the power of the entire team and all our dedicated business builders helped us get here. We learned that when we focus our energy on our team; helping others become successful & profitable, our efforts naturally become easier. One of the things that inspires us most is when we see our team members become successful. What makes this so special is that we know that we are in the business of dream building. The desire of the overall team is so strong that it drives us to truly be "mentors with a servant's heart". Every day that passes, we see these desires and dreams become tangible realities.
Thank you, Michael & Linda, for helping us live our dreams and for giving us the opportunity to help others live their dreams. To a life of vibrant radiant health, success, joy, love and prosperity!

Ron Tarlton | Press Release: Marketing Is Like A "Paint By The Numbers Kit"

Ron Tarlton | Press Release: Marketing Is Like A "Paint By The Numbers Kit"

Michelle Good | Press Release: Change or Fail? by Michelle Good

Michelle Good | Press Release: Change or Fail? by Michelle Good

Ricky Henderson | Press Release: IBO Business Class 2014

Ricky Henderson | Press Release: IBO Business Class 2014

Fact's & Trends

Coffee Facts and Findings: Our "Cups" Runneth Over!

Coffee Facts and Findings: Our "Cups" Runneth Over! Coffee consumption in America and North America is such a daily ritual that it only strikes your attention when you don't see it taking place.

 Lines at the local StarbucksTM or Coffee BeanTM on any given weekday morning are often longer than the voting lines in First Tuesdays in November. And if you don't think you and your friends are hooked on it, try getting through a morning without it, and just see just how that would set with everybody.

 How many times have you tried to interact with a worker or friend only to be told something like, "Not now! I haven't had my coffee yet." To say that coffee is a habit bordering on a national obsession would probably not be understating the case. It is certainly a "tradition" in most nations, and is generally thought of as a good one. In truth, coffee has, in the last 200 years, become such a staple in the Western hemisphere that no social event, public gathering, convention or meal for large masses of people are ever held without taking the "coffee factor" into account. Such observations as the ones just made might be written off as "purely personal," until you start to take some statistics into account.

 So, perhaps it's time we did. Coffee's Momentum Train Coffee is the number two beverage in the world - second only to water in total volume consumed. Coffee is nearly four times as popular as tea, the third most consumed beverage, and five times as popular as soda, which ranks fourth.

 In 2006 alone, the specialty coffee market racked up an estimated $12.2 billion in sales, up from $8.3 billion in 2001. (according to the Specialty Coffee Association of America, a trade group based in Long Beach, CA) Of that total, about $8.5 billion comes from "coffee cafes, or beverage retailers with seating." The number of coffee retailers -- which includes chain and independent stores -- has risen from only 1,650 in 1991 to 23,900 by 2006.

 The annual coffee consumption worldwide in 2003 was estimated to be approximately 400 billion cups. That's over 1.4 billion every single day - with more than 400 million of them consumed in the U.S. alone! The large Venti Latte (or extra large latte) at StarbucksTM now costs about $4 a cup. Some wealth and money mavens such as Finish Rich author David Bach offer a "cappuccino strategy" for start-up investors whereby people can save up to $1200 a year just by not getting their daily morning fix at StarbucksTM. The average American consumes about 10.5 pounds of coffee per year with the average Swede, Dane or Norwegian consuming well over twice that much (nearly 22 pounds per year).

 If these facts seem astonishing, they only scratch the surface and do not take into account the momentum that coffee is enjoying even as of this writing. One might argue that it is the blanket of aromas, the taste, the hot nutty-sweet bite of flavor as it teases our tongue or the lush familiar warmth of our kitchen hearth and the bouquet of our mother's cooking. Others might answer that it is that "pick me up" jolt of energizing power that the beverage possesses like none other.

 Regardless of the reason, something is driving the masses to consume this beverage in large quantities. Like anything else consumed in more-than-moderate doses, the question of health is bound to arise. So really, is coffee bad for your health? That's a question you've got to answer on your own, but we've got some information that might help you understand that loaded question a little more clearly.