Success In 10 Steps

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Try It You Will Like It

Welcome to Another Edition of The Success Team Builders Newsletter!

What's that Steps to Success all About?

We're getting a lot of email asking what that Steps to Success is all about and why we're so successful using it, so we thought we'd be proactive and answer the question for everyone.

So what are the Steps to Success?

It Works! has turned success into a simple three-step system that takes you through everything you need to do to learn while you're having fun. That's the Steps to Success!

"Our whole philosophy is that if you do these three steps, it opens up all the bonuses available to you." says Mike Potillo, It Works! Director of Sales. "No matter where you are in the world, our training system is unified. Everyone follows the same three steps. We actually guarantee that a new person who completes the Steps to Success in their first 60 days will earn a minimum income of $500." That's an offer most can't refuse and eliminates any doubt on joining It Works!

By working through these three steps, you're on the fast track to profits and unlimited earning potential with It Works! Just repeat the steps to keep earning yourself and show others how to do the same. All this income while you're having fun!

Steps to Success

Here are the 3 Steps to Success:

  • Step 1: Join the Party:
    Start your It Works! business with the Business Builder Kit for just $99! In this economy It Works! knows people need a way to start no matter what their budget and turn it in to cash. To Qualify monthly It Works! has made it simple, so your personal qualifying auto-shipment of only 80 in business volume qualifies you for commissions, from brand-new distributor all the way through the entire compensation plan to the top rank in the company. The company's signature Wrap Party is your opportunity to have fun, connect with prospects and start earning--fast!
  • Step 2: Wrap F-r-e-e:
    At the Wrap Party, your guests will experience the instant tightening, toning and firming results of the It Works! Wrap. As the old saying goes, seeing is believing, and that's why the Wrap Party is so crucial to helping you complete Step 2. Gather four Loyal Customers in you first 30 days and you'll get two boxes of wraps free. That's $120 in free product, which can generate another $200-plus in cash. With your free wraps, you can host even more Wrap Parties to gather more Loyal Customers.
    What is a Loyal Customer? It's someone who commits to three consecutive orders of any It Works! product. Loyal Customers get wholesale pricing on their first order as well as all orders for life, along with points for each order, which rewards them with free product.
  • Step 3: Get 3 Guarantee:
    The Get 3 Guarantee is extremely popular with people looking for a fail-safe way to venture into the world of owning their own business. In your first 60 days, simply get three people to "Wrap Free" by completing Steps 1 and 2, just like you did, and It Works! will guarantee you a minimum of $500 in income!
    Getting on the road to financial freedom with It Works! is just that easy! But as simple as the Steps to Success are, you don't have to take them alone. You'll have an entire family supporting you every step of the way.

You can check out the pdf version of the Steps to Success Worksheet here: Steps to Success Worksheet

More Amazing Results!

The Ultimate Body Applicator really tightened the loose skin on this person's back!! These results are after two months of wrapping!

It Works on Your Back Too!

Ron Tarlton | Press Release: How Is The Business Going? Is There Any Thing I Can Do To Help?

Ron Tarlton | Press Release: How Is The Business Going? Is There Any Thing I Can Do To Help?

Monday, December 30, 2013

'Why Every Marketer Should Use Gmail'

If you have been marketing online for any amount of time, chances are you receive a lot of emails. You're subscribing to lists, opting in to receive information, signing up for affiliate sites, joining programs... and the list goes on, right?! 
There are a ton of free email clients out there, but why should you as a marketer use Gmail? For starters, Gmail has the highest receiving rate meaning that almost everything gets through! Being a business owner, I don't want to miss anything. Throughout the course of the day, I am sending emails to people answering questions about their banner graphic order, alerting them that their banner graphic is ready for approval or letting them know that their order is complete. What I have found is that 99% of the time if the email is sent to a person using Gmail, that person will receive it and respond. If it is going to a Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, or a Comcast email address, more than likely there is not a response and they claim they never received anything.

The beauty of Gmail is that you can add tabs, filters, and labels within Gmail making it easy to organize all of your emails and to whitelist emails that you want to make sure you receive. You can always utilize the search feature within Gmail as well to locate a certain email.

Another really cool thing about Gmail is that if you have a business, it allows you to use your own domain name while having all the benefits of regular Gmail. You get spam protection, huge storage space, you can sync it with your mobile device easily and access it from anywhere all for free. I have 3 of my Gmail accounts running from my iPhone so I never miss anything!

Gmail also has some great apps that you can use and you can also attach your IBOtoolbox dynamic email signature to your email very easily!

Jessy Prem | Press Release: How To Comment On Blogs Effectively

Jessy Prem | Press Release: How To Comment On Blogs Effectively

Friday, December 27, 2013

That's When The Fight Started

Scene #1

My wife and I were watching "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" while we were in bed. 

I turned to her and said, 'Do you want to have s*x?' 

'No,' she answered. 

I then said, 'Is that your final answer?' ... 

She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, 'Yes..' 

So I said, 'Then I'd like to phone a friend' 

And that's when the fight started... 

Scene #2

I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason, took my order first. 

"I'll have the rump steak, rare, please." 

He said, "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?" 

"Nah, she can order for herself." 

And that's when the fight started...

Scene #3

My wife and I were sitting at a table at her high school reunion, and she kept staring 
at a drunken man swigging his drink as he sat alone at a nearby table. 

I asked her, "Do you know him?" 

"Yes", she sighed, "He's my old boyfriend. I understand he took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear he hasn't been sober since." 

"My God!" I said, "Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?" 

And then the fight started... 

Scene #4

When our lawn mower broke and wouldn't run, my wife kept hinting to me that I should get it fixed. But, somehow I always had something else to take care of first, the shed, the boat, making beer.. Always something more important to me. 

Finally she thought of a clever way to make her point. When I arrived home one day, I 
found her seated in the tall grass, busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing scissors. 

I watched silently for a short time and then went into the house. I was gone only a minute, and when I came out again I handed her a toothbrush. 

I said, "When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway." 

The doctor says I will walk again, but I will always have a limp. 

Scene #5

My wife sat down next to me as I was flipping channels. 

She asked, "What's on TV?" 

I said, "Dust." 

And then the fight started... 

Scene #6

One Saturday morning I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch, and slipped quietly into the garage. 

I hooked up the boat up to the van and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. 

The wind was blowing 50 mph, so I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad all day. 

I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my wife's back; now with a different anticipation, and whispered, "The weather out there is terrible." 

My loving wife of 5 years replied, "And, can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?" 

And that's how the fight started...

If you enjoy this PR then stay tuned for Part 2 

  ** You need to 

Jack (JMAC) McLaughlin | Press Release: How to Acquire Quality Website Backlinks.

Jack (JMAC) McLaughlin | Press Release: How to Acquire Quality Website Backlinks.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

97 Questions To Ask Yourself To Help You Connect With Your Prospects

97 Questions To Ask Yourself To Help You Connect With Your Prospects 

1. What keeps your readers up at night? 
2. Can you describe your PERFECT customer? 
3. Your WORST customer? 
4. What questions do you get most often from customers? 
5. What's a dirty little secret in your industry? 
6. What's your favorite customer success story? 
7. What's the funniest/craziest thing that ever happened in your business? 
8. What's your personal business philosophy? 
9. What's the best reason for a customer to NOT do business with you? 
10. What can you teach yr readers to do (for free) that would help them 
solve a chronic problem? 
11. Other services/providers/products you can recommend to yr readers? 
12. Is there “conventional wisdom” in your biz that is just plain wrong? 
13. What things is your company NOT good at? 
14. How and why did you get into the business you’re in? 
15. What's your most embarrassing failure story? 
16. What lies are told in your industry? 
17. What do you find yourself complaining about most? 
18. What's your favorite part about coming to work everyday? 
19. Look through customer emails the last 6 months. See any patterns? 
Any great stories? Any complaints you handled well? 
20. Can you do a tele-seminar? Video? Mp3? CD? 
21. Can you write a cheat sheet? 
22. Can you email yr list & ask what they would like to read about? 
23. If you have more than one product/service, do you have a message 
in each AR series that offers your other product/service? 
24. What is the most common exaggeration in your industry? 
How can you use understatement? 
25. Do you have a blog…if so, what's your most popular blog post? 
26. Have you been interviewed for a radio show? Newspaper article? 
27. Has your company been mentioned on TV? Trade publication? 
28. Have you written a free report? Checklist? Guide? Ebook? 
29. If you were to survey your list, what would you ask them? 
30. Who are/were your mentors? 
31. What email subject line would ruin your business? Think of the 
worst subject line you can. 
32. What is your greatest non-business success? 
33. What was the last trip/vacation you took? 
34. What is the next step you'd like the reader to take? How can you 
make it easier for him/her to take it? 
35. If they've downloaded a free report, white paper, or ebook, have you 
spoon fed the most important principles back to them in email form? 
36. Think of the most recent current event/pop culture reference that 
captured your attention. Can you relate it to yr biz? Can you contrast 
how "the world" thinks & the way your readers think? 
37. What's the most profound story from your personal life? 
38. What’s yr most profound Eureka! moment when you finally "got it"? 
39. What's the biggest mistake you ever made in your business? 
40. Have you ever "fired" a customer? 
41. What is your business "motto"? Do you have a phrase/famous quote 
you find yourself saying to yourself, yr co-workers, yr family? 
42. Can you interview (either in person, on the phone or thru email) an 
expert in your industry or a related field? 
43. What's the most earth-shattering claim you can make about your biz? 
44. Saddest experience you've had that you learned the most from? 
45. What's the most common misconception your readers/customers 
have about what you do? 
46. Have you ever walked away from short-term money because you 
knew it would cause long-term problems? 
47. What's the earliest/most favorite childhood memory you have of 
being interested in your business or in business in general? 
48. What's your favorite childhood memory…not business related? 
49. What are three character traits that you have in common with most of 
your customers? 
50. What problems do you face that your customers also face? 
51. What's your favorite "war story"? 
52. Who has been your most hated "enemy"? 
53. What's your most gruesome war story? 
54. What are your readers' idiosyncrasies? 
55. Who are your readers' heroes? 
56. Who are your heroes? 
57. If you were to compare a customer’s (or your) success story to a fairy 
tale or famous movie…which one would it be? 
58. What is the boldest challenge you could make to your readers? 
59. What's the sweetest deal you could make as a last ditch effort to get a 
reader to buy? 
60. What was your last job before this one? What did you learn there? 
61. What are the characteristics that separate the winners from the 
"wannabes" on your list? 
62. What's your favorite paid your dues story? 
63. How does the 80/20 rule apply to your business/industry/reader list? 
64. What's your favorite song? Novel? Movie? Painting? Poem? 
Sculpture? Play? Joke? TV Show? Why? 
65. What businesses do you admire? Hate? 
66. What ads do you admire? Hate? 
67. What do you want your customers to say about you to their friends? 
Business associates? 
68. What's the geeky-est thing you've ever done? A time where you just 
got lost and obsessed? 
69. What's your take on the latest industry news? 
70. What's the FUNNEST thing about doing business with you? 
71. What "negative" about you is actually a positive thing about you? 
E.g.: "I’m boring, so that you don't have exciting times with the IRS!" 
72. What are the biggest costs your readers will incur if they don't do 
business with you (put dollar figures to them)? 
73. What analogies do you find yourself using most when discussing 
your business? 
74. Do you have special procedures, policies or people that make you 
75. What are your business goals for this year? Next year? Five years? 
76. What's the most outrageous guarantee you can make? 
77. What's the dumbest thing a customer ever did? 
78. What is your favorite "downtime" activity? 
79. Three main reasons your product is so expensive? So inexpensive? 
80. Can you create a "gold level" membership for your customers? 
81. What do your competitors say about your product/service? 
82. What's the best thing you can say about your toughest competitor? 
83. How did you land your first customer? 
84. What's the most "imperfect" thing about your product/service? 
85. If you had to make a list of 97 things, what topic would you choose? 
86. What does your spouse know better about your biz than you do? 
87. Would you recommend your children pursue a job in your industry? 
88. If you were king of the world, what 3 things would you change about 
the world/your industry? 
89. What is/was your worst character flaw? 
90. If you were to segment your customers into 3 or 4 "types" what 
would they be? 
91. If you could slap your readers upside the head and get just ONE idea 
through their thick skulls, what would it be? 
92. If you had to give a speech at your industry's trade show, what topic 
would you choose? 
93. What's the most common reason customers DELAY doing business 
with you? Do you have "I wish I had done this sooner" testimonials? 
94. Can you invite readers to your home? Office? Plant? 
95. Can you ask readers to beta test? Take a demo? or a test drive for a 
reduced rate? 
96. If you had to send an email message every day for 30 days, what 
would you write about? 
97. Why don’t you carry a notepad and pencil with you at all times? 

Christine Adindu just posted a new IBO AUTHENTIC Press Release titled How To Win Sales And Influence Buying Decisions Via The Inbox.

Christine Adindu just posted a new IBO AUTHENTIC Press Release titled How To Win Sales And Influence Buying Decisions Via The Inbox.

Friday, December 13, 2013

"How Did We Ever Survive"

I ran across a great reminder today:

As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat.

Our houses and baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paint. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors, or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets. (Let's not even mention hitchhiking to town as a young kid!) and slept with the windows and doors wide open.

Our dogs did not have rabies shots, distemper shots, parvo shots, and we didn't pour chemicals on them or on us to repel fleas and ticks and mosquitoes. We followed along in the big white clouds sprayed out by the city trucks to kill mosquitoes breathing in the wonderful smell of DDT.

We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on. No one was able to reach us all day. We played dodgeball and sometimes the ball would really hurt. We ate cupcakes, bread and butter, fried fat back for breakfast along with biscuits made with pure lard, and drank sugar sodas, but we were never overweight.... we were always outside playing. We played with cap pistols and toy rifles and rubber knives. We took snakes or frogs or lizards to school, but never guns.

We waded barefoot through muddy water in ditches catching tadpoles and crawdads. We cut the grass with push mowers, climbed trees, and walked along the top of fences like they were tight ropes. We petted stray dogs and cats and took them home to see if we could keep them.

We shot off fireworks without supervision or safety precautions and without getting arrested. We made match guns out of clothes pins and shot flaming matches at each other and at passing cars.

 We walked or rode our bicycles to and from school in the flaming heat, in the freezing cold, and in the pouring rain. We were not afraid to accept a ride home from a total stranger when it was raining. We knocked on strangers' doors without fear when we were searching for our missing puppy or kitten. We left our bicycle lying in the middle of the front yard at night, and it would still be there in the morning.

There were tryouts for cheerleader and Little League, and not everyone made the teams. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment. Some students weren't as smart as others so they failed a grade and were held back to repeat the same grade as many times as necessary.

We didn't wear designer clothes to school or drive shiny new cars to high school. If we had a car to drive, we were happy with anything that would run no matter what it looked like. We had never even heard of seatbelts or airbags, which probably would not have done any good anyway with ten people packed into a Volkswagen.

That generation produced some of the best risk-takers and problem solvers. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all.

If you lived in this generation I would love to have you on my team at It Works

Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Here’s 3 ways"

Here’s 3 ways to determine how long Success will take you to achieve in Your MLM Business

1.  Take Action Every Day.act MLM Business Marketing Tips To Success

By taking action everyday you’ll be working towards your success in one form or another.

Not matter what action you decide to take from day to day, whether it’s creating your message, tweaking your delivery system, or refining your target market you’ll be working towards achieving your mlm business goals.
Whatever you do, take action in one form or another every day… Without Fail!

2.  Set Weekly & Monthly Goals.

Every week you should have something you’re trying to achieve, measure, or create.

goalsetting MLM Business Marketing Tips To Success

Every week you should have something you’re doing that plays into your monthly goals. Every month you should have goals that play into your yearly goals. And when you fail to meet them, you need figure out why, address the issue, and move one with that in mind.
Set Your Goals and Find someone to help hold you accountable.  All the BIG players have coaches and mentors…  You’ll need some too!

3.  Get Committed.

This is one of the most important things you could do right now in your business.

yes no commitment MLM Business Marketing Tips To Success

  • Decide right now that you are committed and that nothing is going to stop you from achieving your goals…
  • From achieving the success you know you and your family deserves.
  • Decide right now, that you’ll no longer wonder “if” and from here on out it’s a “when” game for you!
These are by far the most important things you need to understand right now.
When you wonder“IF…”  what you are really saying is that you don’t believe you’ll ever be successful…
But when you ask yourself “WHEN” you KNOW that sooner or later you will be successful and NOTHING will Stop you from Achieving your DREAMS!

If You’re A Truly COMMITTED MLM Business Owner Then You’ll Need To Get A Blueprint That Lays Everything Out From A-Z On How To Make Your Next 7 Figure Paycheck As Soon As Possible!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"Make Extra Money Fast Before Christmas"

 It's that time of year again, and many are struggling to make extra money in time for Christmas. With the right tools and resources, you can make extra money this holiday season and create a business that will earn you an income throughout the year.
It's easy to get started, and you don't need a lot of expertise. The key is to learn business and marketing techniques that will show you how to really make money and then apply those techniques consistently. Here's how to get started.
The Xmas Cash Kit is a complete series of videos that show you how to make money online quickly using video. In addition, the package contains a total of four different ways to make money online, as well as how to market your business. It includes the content you need to get started quickly. Several bonus items are included making this a complete package for anyone who wants to get started making money online and continue to make money throughout the year.
When I first bought this package I thought it was a repeat of the Tube Cash Code system. Although both are excellent programs, their focus is really different. Both systems are great for helping those new to online business break in quickly and earn a consistent income. However, there are many differences too.
First, Xmas Cash Kit helps you get started much more quickly. The training isn't as long although it is concise, and you have more than one way to make money here (there are actually four.)
What I liked most about this package is that the author teaches you how to scale your new business and then automate the process so you aren't tied to your desk. This allows you to earn an income whether you are working or not, which is especially important when your goal is financial freedom.
Like the other course, you also learn how to do everything. You aren't just taught what to do, you are shown how to do it. The process is really quite simple, and although you need a little money to accelerate the process, you don't need a website, and you don't need a lot of technical skill.
As for bonuses, the author really overdelivers here. Not only do you receive four different ways to make money, you also receive the 10X System software and coaching. Within the 10x System you receive the software you need to market and then you receive three additional bonus memberships to teach you even more ways to make money. These include:
Amazon Profit Takeover - This system shows you simple ways to make money with Amazon. It includes selling both Amazon affiliate products as well as creating Kindles to make money.
Pin Your Income - Pinterest is one of the best places to make money online if you know how to do it right. This course will teach you the easiest ways to make money from this site.
Easy Insta Income - If you've heard of Instagram, then you know it's one of the top photo sharing sites, and you can make a lot of money here. This course will teach you the ins and outs of this site and show you what sells. Everything you need to get started is included.
Although this may seem like an overwhelming amount of information, it's not. The key here is to start just one of these businesses, and once you have it making money, follow the instructions on one of the other systems and set up an additional stream of income. Once you get these businesses in place, you are making money whether you are working or not. The key here is to take that step to get started.
This is one of the best courses I've seen for beginners because it's clear and concise, and all the techniques are easy to do. I thought the number of upsells were a little overwhelming, but it is worth the effort. You don't need those though because you can purchase the basic course and get everything you need to start making money quickly.
This course gets my highest recommendation especially if you are new to online business and want to start a legitimate business that will actually make you money. You don't need a lot of money to do it, and if you can read and follow instructions, you can do anything that is required in the course.
For those who are advanced marketers, this course really is ideal. It not only shows you how to build a business, it also shows you how to scale a business for greater profits, and once you have it in place, not only will you have the income you desire, you will also have the financial freedom you want.
Whether you are a beginner or an advanced marketer, this package will help you avoid the frustration of finding a business system that actually works. The principles have been tested, the system is simple and all it takes is following the system and applying consistency to make it work.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Content - Content - Content...How important Is It?

If you are hoping to make money online, one thing you are going to hear is that content is important - with people encouraging you to not only make sure you are creating content, but to also make sure you are creating content on a regular basis; one point that typically gets skipped over, however - as people implore others to create content on their website - is the fact that it is extremely important that this content is good! If you have lots of content on your site, this is all well and good, but if you have lots of good content on your site, visitors to your site will be far more likely to stick around, and after they have stuck around, they will be far more likely to share your site with others - which, all in all, will mean a lot more traffic, a lot more sales, and a lot more money flooding into your bank account!

Unique: The first thing you need to understand about creating content on your site is that it needs to be unique; this means that you cannot simply take content from another site and paste it onto yours, and you cannot simply subscribe to a service that provides content for you (the same content this service is providing to about 50 other sites!). Without unique content, you will have a hard time ranking with search engines, and will have a hard time appealing to visitors.

"Can You Guess The Weight"

Some Basic Principles that can be applied to life. I hope this gives everyone something to think about, it sure helped me.

Can you guess the weight?

A stress management Teacher in front of a group audience.
Raised a glass of water, everyone expected they'd be asked the 
"half empty or half full" question. 

But he asked, "How heavy is this glass of water?"

Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.

he replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter.
It depends on how long I hold it.

If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem.

If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my arm.

If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed.

In each case, the weight of the glass doesn't change,
but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.

The stresses and worries in life are like this glass of water.

Think about them for a while and nothing happens.

Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt.

And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed
– incapable of doing anything."

It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses as early in
the evening as you can, put all your burdens down.

Don't carry them through the evening and into the night.
And remember to put the glass down!

What You Get At mentoring For Free

Your FREE Membership Gives You a Proven,
Tested System That ANY Network Marketer
Can Use To Build Their Business In ANY MLM!
Here's what you get:
FREE! MLM Network Marketing Leadership
Training & Mentoring 5 Nights a Week
  • Monday thru Thursday evenings at 8 pm Eastern, you and I call YOUR leads live and interactive! (You may participate, or just listen in.) This call is scheduled for 1 hour, but may run 2 or 3 hours, depending on how much training people need. 
  • You learn how to be totally non-threatening. You learn how to spot a person's personality type within 1-2 minutes on the phone and present the way THEY want you to. You learn how to begin building a relationship with that person. 
  • After each call, a dozen or more of my personally-trained mentors come back on the line for questions & comments. You learn the immense value of having a team to work with you. 
  • You will learn why you should use our exact phone presentation, word-for-word. Our phone script, when used with targeted leads, has over a 90% success rate of finding people who want to earn extra income from home. I will e-mail you a copy of our script, if you want.
FREE! Saturday at 9 pm Eastern, reps from 20-30 MLM
companies participate in 1-hour trainings on:
  • "The Power of the List": The fact is, MLM companies come & go. So don't build ANY company's customer list. Learn to build your OWN list of raving fans. That way, you'll have security, in case anything bad happens with your company. 
  • "The 5 Pillars:" Learn how to quickly & thoroughly evaluate ANY business opportunity so you don't invest a lot of time & money in a big loser. Critical information. 
  • "Color To Success": Learn all the techniques necessary to spot a person's personality type within 1-2 minutes on the phone, present the way THEY want you to, and actually build a relationship on the phone! This training also available on CD at 
  • "How To Evaluate & Compare MLM Compensation Plans": You'll learn the differences between compensation plans, what type of distributor behavior each comp plan drives, why certain personality types have better success with certain compensation plans & much more.
Napoleon Hill interviewed 500 of the "richest" people in the world when he wrote, "Think and Grow Rich". All 500 had ONE thing in common: Every one of them worked with a "Mastermind" group.
  • Mastermind calls run as long as 4 hours, with reps from 20-30 different MLM companies. All callers have a homework assignment from the previous week - reading a certain chapter of a book & commenting on it.
  • The written part of the assignment is posted on our team website, so everyone can benefit from everyone else's thoughts. 
  • All callers are also invited to comment on thoughts voiced during the call. No negativity is tolerated.
Once a week in your email you'll get our time-tested marketing & relationship-building principles & how to implement them.
I'll train you to promote yourself and to completely train everyone in your group to be successful using our resources.

Thursday, December 5, 2013