Success In 10 Steps

Thursday, January 29, 2015

10 Coffee Facts

Coffee is a brewed drink with a distinct aroma and flavor, prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds found inside "berries" of the Coffea plant. Coffee plants are cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in equatorial Latin AmericaSoutheast AsiaIndia and Africa. The two most commonly grown are the highly regarded arabica, and the less sophisticated but stronger and more hardy robusta. The latter is resistant to the coffee leaf rust, Hemileia vastatrix, but has a more bitter taste. Once ripe, coffee beans are picked, processed, and dried. Green (unroasted) coffee beans are one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Once traded, the beans are roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor, before being ground and brewed to create coffee.
Coffee helps us to think faster and more clearly, dispelling sleepiness and fatigue. Also, according to the researchers, a cup of coffee drunk daily help in reducing the risk of colon cancer, gallstones, cirrhosis, Parkinson’s disease, prevents asthma or diabetes.
Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world becauseof its effects on the body. Here are 10 interesting things that you should know about this energy drink:
1. World production of coffee is around 6.6 mln. Tons, the largest producer and exporter of coffee is Brazil, with approximately 1.9 million tons.
2. It is said that coffee beans were discovered by chance by a herd of goats.The pastor observed that his animals were more and more agitated after consuming the coffee beans.
3. Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world (cost 82 euros).
4. Coffee is also used to keep hair and skin brilliance by applying a natural mask of coffee.
5. The coffee tree, in all seasons, is filled with green flowers and fruits, raw or cooked, their color going from green to yellow and then to light red and reddish-purple when mature.
6.  Coffee was first used for the incentive effect of the early Christian monasteries Ethiopia, for reducing fatigue during long religious ceremonies.
7. Coffe was first used for its benefits at the beginnings of Christianity, in monasteries from Ethiopia, in order to reduce fatigue during long religious ceremonies.
8. East African tribes were grinding raw coffee beans mixing with animal fat, thus obtaining a paste. Tribe warriors ate the paste to have more energy during battles.
9. Coffee reduces the body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients.
10. Long time ago Arabs made wine from coffee beans. For this reason it was originally called ‘Qahwah’ (which means ‘wine’ in Arabic). The drink was served during religious ceremony and was later considered a substitute for wine, there where alcohol was forbidden.

The 'Healthier' Coffee Company

Friday, January 23, 2015

What The Heck Doe's This Have To Do With Network Marketing???

The 3 Window Coupe Standard came with an adjustable seat, glove box, drivers side sun visor, dome light and roll down rear window. The rumble seat, cigar lighter, and ashtray were available at extra cost. Originally the 3 Window came with only two interior trim choices, Thorn Brown Mohair, and Tan Pinstripe with Copra Drab Fine Colonial Grain genuine leather or artificial being added later.
The Deluxe came with all the standard features with the exceptions of a chrome-plated windsheild frame, cowl lights, dual horns, tail lamps, two sun visors, cigar lighter, ash tray, and driver's side door arm rest. Similar to the Standard the rumble seat was an added cost. The upholstery options included Rose Beige Mohair, Brown Bedford Cord, Brown Stripe Broadcloth, and Copra Drab Fine Colonial Grain leather trim until May 1934 when it was replaced by Taupe leather.

 1934 PriceProduction Quantities

For the most part the three window and five window Coupe had the same features with the exception of two extra windows and extra space behind the seats for storage. The Three window and five window Coupes were very popular with salesman and fleet buyers because of their size.
The five window Coupe Standard came with an adjustable seat, glove box, drivers side sun visor, dome light and roll down rear window. The rumble seat, cigar lighter, and ashtray were available at extra cost. Originally the five Window came with only two interior trim choices, Thorn Brown Mohair, and Tan Pinstripe with Copra Drab Fine Colonial Grain genuine leather or artificial being added later.
The Deluxe came with all the standard features with the exceptions of a chrome-plated windshield frame, cowl lights, dual horns, tail lamps, two sun visors, cigar lighter, ash tray drivers door arm rest. Similar to the Standard the rumble seat was and added cost. The upholstery options included Rose Beige Mohair, Brown Bedford Cord, Brown Stripe Broadcloth, and Copra Drab Fine Colonial Grain leather trim until May 1934 when it was replaced by Taupe leather.

1934 PriceProduction Quantities

“In 1935 Ford Motor Company had been Getting Their Butt Kicked by GM Every Year… For Nearly 10 Years.

Then they hired this man…”

This is Clyde Bedell Who Created The Best Advertising Course Ever Created
Clyde Bedell
Click Here for the rest of the story!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How do you know what to say to people?‏

The new distributor asked, “How do you know what to say to people? How do you know which benefit to talk about?”

For new distributors, this seems hard. For experienced net workers, we know what to talk about automatically. Here is how we do it.

People will only want to join our business if it solves a problem. So how do we know what problem they have? Easy.

We listen. People love to talk about their problems. Many times, the first thing they tell strangers is all about the problems in their lives. So all we have to do is keep quiet and listen. That is hard for some distributors who are eager to start talking AT prospects about their business.

The purpose of business is to solve problems for prospects, so we shouldn’t even begin talking about our business until we know what problems our business can solve for our prospects.

Professionals find this business easy because they listen.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How To Build A Network Marketing Business

Michael Clouse has a very unique method of getting his point across. This is a little lengthy but very worth while to watch.If you want to be successful. Pay attention, take notes and apply. If you don't get it the first time, bookmark this page and watch it again.

"Beef jerky actually has an interesting history"

Beef jerky actually has an interesting history.  A few interesting facts you might not have known.

1. “Jerky” is a method to preserve meat without refrigeration, and was a necessity in the days without       a means of keeping meat cold.

2. Traditionally meat was dried, smoked and salted or a combination of to preserve it.  

3. Marinating is a technique used to add additional flavors.

4. Beef is the most common type of jerky, any meat can be jerky, alligator or how about some rattle snake jerky?

5. The origin of the word jerky is from Native American “Charqui” which means “to burn meat”, yummy!

6. Jerky quality varies widely and depends on the choice of meat, preservatives, and the preservation method.  Of coarse there is no better jerky than Jerky Direct Jerky!

7. Many jerky like products exist, consisting of processed, chopped and formed meat, rather than traditional sliced, whole meat.  If you think eating your shoe would be good try some formed meat  jerky!

8. Our jerky is very lean; fat will cause spoilage.  Cheap jerky with high percentages of fat and water content have many chemicals added to preserve and prevent spoilage, yummy!

9. Ingredient list for Jack Links™ jerky:  Beef, Water, Sugar, Less than 2% Salt, Corn Syrup Solids,  Dried Soy Sauce (Soybeans, Salt, Wheat), Hydrolyzed Corn and Soy Protein, Monosodium Glutamate, Maltodextrin, Flavorings, Sodium Erythorbate, Sodium Nitrite.  Surprisingly you have  no idea the beef quality or even the parts of the beef they used from the ingredient list.  Anyone for a slice of beef jerky, tail!

10. Nutritionally, jerky is low in fat and high in protein.  The number one issue is the exorbitant amount of sodium used. A 1-oz serving contains up to 15 grams of protein (25% of the daily value), but 600mg of sodium (25% of the daily maximum).  How about a little beef with your salt!  The protein is great, but most American’s are getting enough protein in their diet, it’s the excess sodium that is a concern.

11. Several jerky products are sold in 3 oz packages; people who eat an entire bag end up eating 3 servings at once, (often drinking a sugary soft drink to wash down the salt in the jerky).  Maybe the jerky manufacturers own soda companies too!

12. Did you know beef jerky is astronaut food! NASA has been sending jerky up in space with the astronauts, lightweight high protein food. Wonder if E.T. likes jerky?

13. A bunch of people are extremely passionate about their jerky. They know good food!

14. Did you know there was an explosion in a ConAgra manufacturing facility creating a shortage of the wildly popular Slim Jim™ brand jerky nationwide at one time.

15. Beef jerky is believed to have an origin in South America during the 1800’s.

16. The Quechua tribe, ancestors of the ancient Inca Empire, produced a meat similar to beef jerky called ch’arki, or charqui.  It was made by adding salt to strips of meat from wild animals such as deer, buffalo, and elk, then allowing it to dry in the sun or over fires for a stretch of time.

17. Jerky made it possible for people to preserve meats during times when it was plentiful and eat it when food was scarce.

18. The Spanish discovered this method of preserving meat; they showed the rest of the world.

19. American cowboys and pioneers quickly embraced it and became a staple item for them.  What cowboy doesn’t like jerky!

20. Explorers built smoke shacks and hung cuts of meat over a fire to smoke cure the meat.

21. The first true jerky was made when meat was first flavored and then cured. Over the years, people realized the meat was made tastier by the adding various spices.

22. Did you know there are beef jerky blogs and clubs! And it is the number one snack for U.S. soldiers according to the U.S. military.

  • Peppered BuffalOs
  • Our Great Peppered Flavor
  • Buffalo Raised Without Added Hormones
  • Ranch Raised and USDA Inspected Buffalo
  • No Preservatives
  • No Added MSG
  • NO Nitrite
  • NO Erythorbate
  • NO Artificial Ingredients
  • Only Minimally Processed
  • Delivered in our jerky double pack

    Jerky Direct 5.4 oz. Peppered BuffalOs   $12.30           
  • Thursday, January 8, 2015

    "Are Thoughts Really Things"?

    This is a lesson plan fro Think And grow Rich written by Tony Harnett one of our master mind students at Mentoring For Free

    Chapter 1 - Thoughts Are Things

    Due to time constraints this week (an excuse, I know) I was unable to give this 
    chapter the attention it deserves. Instead, I’ve decided to re-post my lesson from the last time we studied Chapter 1. 

    If ‘Thoughts are truly Things’ then self-talk, self talk, self talk is the answer 
    (1200 for me yesterday) and my results since the last time around are the proof!


    Hill States:

    Finally, they decided to QUIT.

    They sold the machinery to a junk man for a few hundred dollars, and took the
    train back home. Some “junk” men are dumb, but not this one! He called in a
    mining engineer to look at the mine and do a little calculating. The engineer
    advised that the project had failed, because the owners were not familiar with
    “fault lines.” His calculations showed that the vein would be found JUST THREE FEET FROM WHERE THE DARBY HAD STOPPED DRILLING! That is exactly where it was found!


    I know the first sentence above doesn’t refer to those here reading this post 
    because if it did . . . you wouldn’t be here reading it!

    I’d like to draw parallels from the paragraph above to some of my experiences 
    with network marketing.

    Since I was introduced to network marketing in 1999, I’ve seen many people quit and “take the train back home” to their mediocre lifestyles.

    “Some men are dumb, but not this one!” . . . although I’ve been through many 
    ups-and-downs in this business and have not yet achieved the level of success I’m 
    aiming for . . . I have never (completely) quit.

    I’ve taken some breaks . . . but have always had network marketing in the back of my mind and a constant nagging telling me this is what I’m supposed to do . . . fast 
    forward several years and whether by chance or design, I found Mentoring for Free!

    “He called in an MLM Engineer to look at his business and do a little calculating."

    "The Engineer (Michael Dlouhy) advised that the project had failed, because the 
    quitters were not familiar with 'The Recipe' . . . his calculations showed that 
    'Freedom' would be found just a short time beyond mastering the 'MFF System'. "

    That is exactly where I know it will be found . . .  

    The reason being that I’ve truly made up my mind once and for all to . . . 

    “Think & Grow Rich”

    Tony Harnett

    Monday, January 5, 2015

    Things Got You Down? Shake It Off!!! Step Up!!!

    Donkey in the Well

    Many of you may have heard this story, but I was thinking of it recently and wanted to share this time old tale as a reminder for us to “take a step up”
    Once upon a time, a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well that the farmer had accidentally left uncovered. The donkey cried and cried, and the farmer tried to figure out a way to get the donkey out of the deep hole, however, the sides were too unstable to lower someone down with a rope to tie around the donkey, and as the donkey was panicky and thrashing about, he was concerned he or one of his farm hands might be injured and stuck down the hole too.
    The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway, so it just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited his neighbours to come and help, so they all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.
    As he felt the dirt falling on him, the donkey, being a donkey, kicked and kicked. When that didn’t seem to help, he brayed and brayed. Once the piles of dirt hit the donkey, the animal found renewed energy, and brayed even louder than he had before. The men turned their eyes from one another and pretended not to hear the donkey’s pleadings. The donkey kicked up a fuss and made a terrible commotion, but no one came to help. The donkey cried, but as he tired and began to understand the hopelessness of its situation, he began to give up, and got quiet, and then he realised something amazing was happening.
    The donkey realized that the dirt was a gift. With each scoop of dirt that fell into the well, the donkey shook off any that landed on it and then took a step up onto the top of the pile of dirt forming at the bottom of the well. More dirt, another shake and another step up.
    The men kept shoveling; certain that they were burying the poor donkey. But as they were shoveling, the donkey was shaking off the dirt and stomping it into the ground below him. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey shook the dirt off and took a step up.  As the men continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up. The men were busy shoveling so they didn’t notice what was happening.
    A few shovel loads later, the farmer and neighbours finally looked down the well and was astonished at what they saw. The men were quite surprised to see the donkey, looking right straight at them. It was standing on top of all that dirt that had been dropped on it. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off!
    This story of the donkey in the well is timeless, and has circulated for a while.
    Its message is timeless, as many of us have found ourselves stuck in a situation where we just didn’t know to get through. The metaphorical dirt was poured over our heads, and we got buried by the problems, or we shook the dirt to the ground and rise above the circumstances.
    We always have the choice to be victim or victor. So if it feels as if you are in that well with no chance of being freed, think of the donkey who refused to accept that his circumstances were beyond his control; he didn’t give up and he didn’t give in.
    Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt.  The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up.  Each of our troubles is a stepping stone.  We can get out of the deepest wells just by not giving up.
    Shake it off and take a step up!

    Sunday, January 4, 2015

    Thoughts Are Things

    We are all on an incredible life journey beginning this new year of 2015!

    Who would have ever thought that our lives, our freedom and our desire to live abundantly depend on our thoughts?

    Because when you realize that your character is formed by what you think about of yourself and your life, you will see that it is your thoughts that make your world. 

    And this chapter sums it all, the whole book! It is the beginning and the end of summarizing this book, Think and Grow Rich, explaining why our thoughts are the most important and amazing assets we have in our lives! We truly do live in our mind. Our mind is where all our dreams and beliefs are stored. So there must be many, many doors in our mind. Wow, which doors will we open?

    I have always been interested in conversion stories. Please do not get me wrong here; I am not trying to convert anyone as we are all on our own journey and I am not a clergyman, just sharing a story. :)

    Incredible to me is that I was looking for something to write about for this chapter and watched a video of a man being interviewed. The title of this video gave no clues to say I would hear anything showing me that thoughts were things, but I was drawn to watch it. Bull’s-eye!!! It had the perfect explanation in which I could write about how thoughts are things.

    The background...

    The video was an interview of a young man who was going through his journey of acceptance into faith and who came to believe that God was real, though he wrestled with his mind because he wanted proof. He struggled in his mind with all the atheistic ideologies he had lived by for so long. He explained that his life was going downhill and he hit rock bottom. 

    But in the midst of all his searching and questions, he decides to open that door in his mind and allow God to come in.

    His story is one where he finally opened his heart and mind and how God took over his mind when he asked him for help.

    The French toast story...

    As he explained the difficult times he was having believing, he tells of a time in his life where he was up on the towers during his watch as he was a prison guard and he was alone with his mind. All sorts of thoughts came flooding into his mind and he thought he would go insane. I'd say he was wrestling with the spirit who was trying to get him to see the truth, just my opinion here. He said he said a prayer to God for the first time in his life, asking God to stop his mind from over thinking and freaking out. 

    He explained how he told God that if God would help him, he would just stop thinking and leave his mind to God and rely on God's grace instead. 

    That worked and all his thoughts stopped and all night he started to have a strong craving for French toast. So his mind was ok, no worries, no freaking out and just thinking about French toast that he was craving. Even as he drove home he was craving French toast and decided he was going to make himself French toast when he got home.

    I can imagine him having cravings for hours about French toast as I imagine all day long the day I walk on that stage of network marketers who got to the top!!!

    When he arrived home and opened the door, there was his wife with French toast in her hands. He was quite surprised and asked his wife, "What's this?" "Why did you make French toast?" Her answer to him was, an angel told me to make you French toast. He was still puzzled yet in awe as he asked her, “What did you mean an angel told you?” She softly whispered to him, "I don't know why but I had this feeling that I was to make you French toast, and it was God telling me to get up and make you French toast."

    So do our thoughts become things? Do others hear our thoughts and do our thoughts travel in space and time to reach others whose thought vibrations are touched by our thoughts.

    It certainly did for this man in the video. :)

    His desire was strong; his thoughts about French toast consumed him the rest of his shift. He had visions of eating French toast.

    As network marketers, our dream is BIG and it will take time for us to build our dream, but let's always remember the bigger the dream, the more action we must take and every single action we take starts with a thought, which becomes a thing when we take the action to manifest it. Otherwise, it sits in your mind as only a wish. As Michael always tells us, “To make more, you have to become more.” As network marketers, our desire must be strong and so must our vision be clear.

    So do not over think, and instead take all the actions you need to build your dream. Remember, Mentoring For Free is here to help you every step of the way, so let’s get building!!!

    Much love and appreciation,

    The Sercret Revealed

    The Secret Shield Against NegativityHush, hush! We are about to explore Chapter 11 of Think
    and Grow Rich – the most highly sensitive material in
    the book!
    This chapter is about MagnetismAttraction, and the
    This chapter has been removed from some editions of
    TGR, not because of the so-called “sexual content”, but
    because of the sensitive SECRET it reveals.
    Over this past weekend we watched and discussed Michael
    Dlouhy’s video, Proving the Power of Thought -
    available at
    The video demonstrates kinesiology, or muscle testing -
    an ancient method of directing energy vibrations into
    the body via the energy center of the thymus gland.
    When food or other items are held against the area of
    the thymus gland, the entire body becomes stronger or
    weaker to the degree the item is good or bad for the
    body. The thymus gland picks up the vibrational
    patterns of the items.
    Many folks have used this method to identify foods or
    materials which cause allergic reactions with them.
    (Napoleon Hill touches on Vibration again briefly in
    Chapter 13, the Brain – but not as extensively as he
    did in his “Law of Success in 16 Lessons”.)
    Wowed and Amazed
    Most viewers commented on how they were wowed and
    amazed by the demonstration. They focused on how they
    could prove the healthy benefits of their products to
    …but they missed the point of the training! The REAL
    lesson was revealed when the test subject, Kenny
    Wilson, reacted physically to the THOUGHTS Michael
    projected at him.
    When Michael thought, “Good boy,” Kenny became very
    strong. When he thought, “Bad boy,” Kenny became
    helplessly weak.
    …but still most people missed the big point. Kenny
    realized it and spoke it during the last few seconds of
    the video: “So, when we think negative thoughts toward
    people, they pick up that energy!”
    The Power to Create or Destroy
    So, here is revealed the awesome responsibility we have
    regarding our thoughts to others…
    If we think negative thoughts or project negative
    feelings toward others, and this causes weakness in
    their bodies, then how much damage are we causing to
    their overall health via our negativity?
    Now, on the flip side, when we project POSITIVE 
    thoughts and feelings, and those vibrations strengthen
    their bodies, then how much are we affecting their
    overall health?
    Does this explain the POWER behind Faith Healing, or
    the “laying on of hands”?
    Hill tells us the [human expression] of the MOST 
    Emotional Energy of SEXLOVE and ROMANCE. It ignites
    the FORCE of GENIUS.
    He and many philosophers, both ancient and modern,
    believe this INTENSE LOVE is the Force which manifested
    the material universe from the energy of pure
    (Go ahead and read ANY ancient spiritual texts, from
    ANY religious belief system, and You will see the
    evidence of this Universal Truth!)
    A Shield and a Buckler*
    Wait a minute! We are not done…
    What about the Negative Influence of Others on OUR
    mental, emotional and physical well being?
    Just us our immune systems guard us against virus and
    toxin attack, there are ways to inoculate ourselves
    against this insidious energy. Indeed, it is so deadly,
    Hill refers to it as the DEVIL’S WORKSHOP in Chapter
    Helping You become “10-Foot Tall and Bulletproof” is
    one of the chief aims of the Mentoring For Free system.
    The KEY TOOL is… You guessed it… Self-Talk.
    Ken Klemm – Florida, USA
    P.S. What You THINK and FEEL toward me speaks so loudly,
    what You say or do (live, on the phone and in text),
    I cannot hear.
    *His TRUTH is a shield and a buckler,
    Let us not be afraid of the terror by night,
    Nor of the arrow that flies by day.
    ~ King David
    This article was originally published at

    Friday, January 2, 2015

    Is Coffee Bad For You?

    Is Coffee Bad For Your Health?

    Coffee...The Good News and the Bad News

    The Good News...and the Better News.

    Coffee has always received mixed reviews from the health community when it comes to determining its effect on the human system. While we know it contains in that popular stimulant caffeine, it also has its fair share of naturally occurring nutrients such as potassium, calcium andsuper oxide dismutase, more commonly referred to as SOD. SOD has recently earned nutritional kudos as a very good systemic balancer and highly versatile antioxidant known to help eliminate free-radicals from the human body. Recent medical studies have shown that coffee may reduce your risk of colon cancer, and yet another study reinforces the belief that coffee may (slightly) increase your risk of urinary tract infections.
    It is also noted that the more freshly made a batch of hot coffee is, the higher the nutrient content. The longer the coffee sits around, the more detrimental it becomes to the human system. So, where any kind of brewed coffee is concerned, drink it immediately after brewing, or not at all.

    On the other hand...

    For a long time coffee was thought of as a caffeine-driven stimulant and little more than that. Caffeine is a quick energy "pick-me-up" that has also received much criticism. In some circles, and according to certain studies, caffeine has been blamed for everything from genito-urinary complications to global warming.
    Coffee's often alluded to ill effects on the bladder, kidneys and reproductive system are probably less the fault of caffeine than that other negative coffee constituent...its reputedly high acid content, or what amounts to a low pH.
    Much has been made of pH balance in recent years and perhaps rightly so. Without getting too technical, the pH range for any organic element on earth is from zero (0) to fourteen (14), fourteen being extremely alkaline and zero being extremely acidic. The term, pH, refers to the potential for hydrogen. And since hydrogen is one of the principal elements of cellular life, a higher potential for hydrogen (alkaline) would seem to be better, at least to a degree. But "balance" is the operative word here, especially when we refer to the most delicate of all ecologies - the human body. The ideal pH balance for the human body is about 7.5 or slightly alkaline, and ranges of 6.8 to 7.8 pH are considered acceptable, depending upon the time of day. Not surprisingly, most fresh fruits and vegetables and certain herbs contribute to a highly alkaline pH. Meat, pasta, breads, grains, sugars, sweets (and most of the things we enjoy eating) tend to create a highly acid pH. Unfortunately, in the modern high-stress, fast food, high sugar, processed junk diets we have today, most of what we eat drives our systems into the acid pH range.
    Several studies now show that people with high acid pH levels are much more prone to get ill. So, what we are facing is a kind of constant juggling that requires an avoidance of certain highly acidic foods. The worst offenders are colas and sodas (at about a 2.8 pH). Anything made with refined sugars is ridiculous, simply because the body cannot even recognize the personality of the food and turns it into acid on contact. Coffee (Facts & Trends) and tea log in at about a 5.0, as do some herbal drinks, wine and certain meats. So, the challenge with the human system is always a balancing act - one that requires it to eat foods that are slanted slightly toward an alkaline pH.
    So, the secret in the measure of coffee is the ability to use what is good in it and minimize that which is not. This requires some understanding of it, and what foods you might combine it with.

    What Gano Excel has done with Ganocaf�!

    Obviously then, the ideal coffee would be one that is more closely pH neutral and one that has balance with other nutrients. For that the research scientists at Gano Excel have worked for years to come up with the answer.
    What has now come into a point of remarkable revelation is that blended with certain beneficial foods such asGanoderma lucidum (red mushrooms in six different presentations) this amazing blend can create a splendid synergy in a truly nutritious coffee. In 1997, Gano Excel created Ganocaf�, the first known beverage in the world that combines coffee, the second most consumed drink in the world next to water, with Ganoderma and its more than 200 trace nutrients.
    It's a developmental process that began over 12 years ago and has resulted in the development and marketing of an entire family of wellness products and a completely defined wellness lifestyle. Beginning with a fundamental formulation of Ganoderma-based products that is revolutionizing the concept of wellness as we know it, Gano Excel has also been able to apply that same kind of molecular research to interlink it with the world's finest blends of coffees. The result is an entire family of products that are as exceptional in taste, touch and aroma and flavor as they are imbued with an exceptional interaction of powerful nutritional components that has become the buzz of the wellness industry - a truly nutritious, �healthier� coffee that is actually better for you than any other coffee on the market today...and holds its own with any gourmet coffee brewed anywhere in the world.
    For a list of Gano Excel's exceptional Ganocaf� products, click here! And prepare to be amazed!