Success In 10 Steps

Saturday, August 23, 2014



As noted above, we CAN'T make money...only the national mint can make money.
The way WE get money is to EARN it.
And that means we need to Work and LEARN new SKILLS.
That's true ESPECIALLY in Network Marketing - simply because we didn't learn anything about running a home business, networking, tax deductions for a home based business, influencing others or getting mentored from our formal education system! (And that's a big letdown!)
As you know, all JOBs require Skills. So do all professions - doctors, lawyers, CPAs, teachers, etc. Since Network Marketing is a Profession, it too requires Skills. And as with other Professions, it takes time to LEARN those skills!
No one can just put on a white smock and call themselves a doctor.
No one can just check out a law book from a library and call themselves a lawyer.
No one can just take out their checkbook and call themselves a CPA.
And no one can just join a Network Marketing company and call themselves a Professional Network Marketer.
That's a fact!
But there is Good News!
While others are Learning their professions - and usually amassing quite a bit of debt doing so, Network Marketing can be learned while earning a paycheck, even if it is small at first.
As Albert Einstein once said,
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. 
It's very similar to sports. You can play soccer or baseball on a barren dirt pitch or field as you start to learn the rules of the game. As you get better, you can join a local team and play on a better-manicured field. But if you really apply yourself and learn all the rules and all the skills, you may find yourself playing in stadiums and arenas around the world!
If you want to achieve some really big and interesting goals, you have to learn to fall in love with hard work.
~ Steve Pavlina 
And, in essence, that 'hard work' consists mostly of Learning Skills that can be applied to reaching that goal!

Fortunately, for YOU, learning to become a Network Marketing professional does not have to take 12 years like becoming a doctor requires. Much of the learning can be done on your own, on a part-time basis, and - with a little guidance, can take no longer than 3-5 years. And in the meantime, you can earn the money to pay for your learning!
Even Dr Seuss knows:
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
Listening to and Learning from the mentors, the ones who have paved the way in Network Marketing, is a Great way to get started!
If you watch more videos of Les Brown, Zig Ziglar, Eric Worre (and many others) than you do of cute cats, you will Learn more about the right way to do Network Marketing. That goes for listening and reading, too!
One of my favorite authors, Douglas Adams, moreover, points out how YOU can be better at Learning than most other people:
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. 
And this is how Leaders and Big Earners make it to the top - they LEARN and DO more than others!
Most people really DO want to make more money, really DO want to pay less in taxes, really DO want healthier snacks for themselves and their families. 
But...hey,...some people DON'T! You know the ones...the ones who would rather watch reruns on TV rather than watch a Les Brown DVD; who would rather play games into the wee hours of the morning rather than listen to a motivational CD; who would rather reread the TV Guide than read a book by a successful Network Marketer; who would rather drink by themselves at a bar than talk to a friend about their home business. Right?
So what are you supposed to do in order to grow your business? Simple...find the ones who are ready to Learn to Earn!
Only the curious will learn and only the resolute overcome the obstacles to learning. The quest quotient has always excited me more than the intelligence quotient.
~ Eugene S Wilson 
But what do you say to find out who is ready?
THAT is what our upcoming training will teach you. But for now, just ASK them!
If you can ask 3 to 6 people a week if they are ready to LEARN to EARN, you should find 2-4 who will let you invite them to take our free web tour. If you do this for one year, you will have 30-60 people understanding the Vision and joining you in this business!
Are YOU ready for an Explosion in your downline and then in theirs?
Can YOU see yourself finally being Successful? 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Snacking The Future Of Eating?

Snacking The Future Of Eating?

The Dow Jones News reports that due to stagnate growth in their base grocery business, many packaged food companies are increasingly turning to snacks as an avenue for growth. It is no longer about inventing the next big meal idea, but about coming up with the next big snack for the time - impaired consumers who are looking for healthier and flavorful options.

Reports show that nearly 60 percent of snack launches now have a health positioning of some kind as it applies to benefits such as whole-grain, all natural, organic, gluten-free or low and light. So it would seem healthy snacking is a long term trend and the future of eating. Americans will tend to snack more and sit down to a meal less.

Less expensive than meal options, snacks offer the convenience consumers seek, and since they are unplanned purchases, buyers are willing to grab them and go to satisfy their immediate snack craving. Aside from the recent wave of  unique flavor options, snacks are also being developed for consumers looking for healthier options of their favorite munchies.

The public is clearly showing that they are watching what they eat, and they want healthy snack choices. Something that the modern consumer tends to look for, and demand, is a healthy snack with a simple ingredient  declaration while still delivering the most important ingredient-great taste.

Market trends show that a substantial portion of the population has stopped eating three meals a day and gone to 5 small snacks. This obviously has huge implications for the food and beverage industry. When people snack in 2014, they realize they can either eat empty calories or instead maximize their health. In fact 2014's new food trend is clean eating. Clean eating doesn't just mean washing your lettuce before making your salad. Rather, the idea is to eat maximally eat nutritious foods in their most natural, whole state. As more evidence comes out about the dangers of processed food, clean eating tries to side-step the problem of going natural.

While the Paleo Diet (think "Cave Man") was a hot trend in the past year or two, there is now a lighter twist. You can see people following a clean eating approach, choosing plenty of lean meat, low starch vegetables, legumes, nuts, fruit and smart carbs  like farro, an ancient grain that breaks down slowly to sustain blood sugar. Clean eating is not a diet focused on calorie restriction. It is more about enjoying food as close to "nature intended", thus avoiding refined, processed foods and any artificial chemicals, flavors and preservatives. People do not want to feel deprived. They want to thrive.

So what does that mean for anyone that happens to operate a home based business with a product line such as Jerky Direct? There could not be better news! Each and every member of Jerky Direct is perfectly positioned to answer the call to Healthy Snack Alternatives while growing his or her business and profit center. Each one of us has the necessary tools to fill this need for healthy snack alternatives, and we can do so knowing the products we sell and represent are as wholesome and nutritious as they could possibly be.

This is the "perfect storm" of  both eating trends and home based business opportunities. Some of your friends and family will just be interested in buying products from you and snacking away in high protein, all natural organic bliss. But others will want to know "How can I just order that myself and maybe even get my orders paid for?" Jerky Direct Snacks are sourced from the finest livestock and poultry in the world and minimally processed with simple and savory  ingredients that you already know and trust, What better and more trustworthy product to fill the void brought about by more and more people eating on the run and in search of healthy snack options.

"If nobody is listening, then what you say won't work."

"If nobody is listening, then what you say won't work."

Ever try to win an argument? It is hard because the other person tries to defend his position and views. The more you talk, the more the other person thinks of new things to say to support his position.

Wait, if you are talking, and the other person isn't listening because he is thinking of what to say next ... well, what you're saying isn't being heard.

So the first rule of arguing is to agree with the other person. That will stop the other person from thinking of new things to say. And if you are agreeing with the other person, well, there is no argument.

So first, agree. Then ... you can insert your point of view because the other person is listening. Want an example?

Just learn these two words: "Of course."

Now, observe how this sounds to the other person who has just given you an objection.

Prospect: "I don't have any money to join."
You: "Of course you don't have any money to join. That is why I am talking to you, because I know you want to change that situation. So let's first look at how you can raise the money to ..."

Prospect: "I don't have any time. I am way too busy."
You: "Of course you don't have any time. That is why I am talking to you, because I know you eventually want more time in your life. So let's see how ..."

Got the idea?

It is polite to agree with the other person, and it opens up the lines of communication so your message can be heard.

Your #1 Network Marketing Tool

Your #1 Network Marketing Tool

Ninety-two percent of the world's population is sales resistant. They don't like to be sold. They don't like to sell.

How about YOU? Do YOU like to be sold? You walk into the shoe store and some sales clerk comes up, trying to sell you, shove you, get you to buy some shoe that's on sale.

No, No, NO!!! You Want To Buy What YOU Want!

The size, the color, the style - it has to be what YOU want.

When you go to buy an automobile, the first thing they want to know is, "How much can you afford?" That's all they want to ask, "What can you afford?" And you're thinking, "Get away from me. I buy what I want to buy. Leave me alone!"

People are sales resistant. If you fight that, if you try to sell them, you will ALWAYS struggle in network marketing. You have to learn to listen. Again, 92% of the world's population is sales resistant. That is an overwhelming number, if you're out there trying to sell them!

You have spent your entire life recommending and promoting things to people. Books, movies, restaurants, websites, recipes, stores, schools, parks, experts, - The list goes on and on. Now all of a sudden in network marketing, some idiot tells you to make a list of your friends and family, call them up, let's beat ëem up and SELL them!

This upline guru leader wants to turn you into that pushy, aggressive salesperson that nobody likes. can you see why it doesn't work?

Let's Try It The OTHER Way - Listening!

When you listen, you will quickly learn the Color personality of your prospect. This allows you to build know, like, & trust, and you can consistently build your business, day by day by day.

And as you teach your people to listen for the Color personality of their prospects, all of a sudden THEY aren't in that sales mode. Instead, they're in the mode of trying to figure out, "What can I do to help this person?"

As you find out what Color they are, you find out their personality, and their hot buttons.

Why is that so important? Because not everyone wears the same size shoe. When you actually listen and spot which of the 4 personality types they are, you have the ability to communicate directly with that person on the basis of THEIR wants and needs. That makes all the difference in the world.

The Alternative?

So many network marketing companies and gurus today send prospects to a splash page with a bunch of blinking, spinning lights and flashy this and that, smiley faces and all that stuff.

But here's the problem. The Yellow and the Green personalities make up 70% of the population. And if you send Yellows & Greens to a website with blinking lights and spinning this and that, and something bouncing across the page - or talking about money, money, money, money, money, money - 70% of your prospects are gone. They will stay there for 2 or 3 seconds, maybe 5 seconds, and then they are gone.

Why? Because it looks hokey to them. You are trying sell them, you are trying to slam them, jam them, convince them that you can build something and make $10,000 a minute in 3 days.

See? Not everybody wears same size shoe. You have to have presentations tailored to each one of the Colors.

A Different Email For Each Personality

Wow, what a concept, what a concept! When you send your prospects an email, you better be sending them an email that hits their hot buttons. With my team, we have spent a lot of time on this. We wrote a Yellow, a Blue, a Green, and a Red email.

And I highly recommend when you write these emails for your team, for your company, for your opportunity, write your Green email first. Why? Because Greens want ALL the data, every last bit of it. The other Colors don't.

So now you can just take away from the Green email to do the others. The Blue - if you send a Green email to a Blue, and they see 4 pages of stuff - they are GONE! They would want nothing to be do with it. Why? Because your Blue will think, "My gosh, I gotta know all this stuff? No way! I'm outta here!"

But the Green wants that information. They want all the data.

And you don't sell a Green. You don't come after the Green and sell them, push them, call them back again and again and shove them and push them. You let them make up their own mind at their own speed. Greens will sell themselves.

Like Yellows & Blues, the way you move a Green is by listening to them. If you sell them or attempt to sell them, try to close them, you will lose every time. They will block your phone number. They will absolutely not want any thing to do with you. End of story.

The key to success in this business is to listen to your people. They will love you for it - and you'll have a lot more of them!

Thursday, August 14, 2014


AUTO SHIP COMMISSIONS FLOW UP LINE!Take care of your Up line and They will take care of You!
What does that mean? 
Up line: There are up to seven levels of Distributors above you in your Team Matrix. This is your Up line Team. Your sponsor is in your Up line Team.
Down line: When you enroll others who enroll others, you are building an organization of up to seven levels of Distributors. This is your Down line Team and you are responsible for helping those you sponsor to duplicate the process.

You are at the TOP of your Down line Team, but you are also at the BOTTOM of your Up line Team. To earn money in any networking company, you must help your down line build their team by providing support and training. YOU are responsible for each person you enroll - regardless of where they fall in your 7-level down line matrix - and EVERYONE is responsible to their immediate up line! The Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you") is your best guide. 

Changing what you say will change the way people respond to you.

Changing the way people respond to you will change your results for the benefit of both of you!
So think about this! At your meetings...
Instead of saying - "Network Marketing isn't what you think it is." Try saying - "For many of us in this room, Network Marketing is a wonderful way to have your own business because..." and list some generic advantages.

End by asking a question, such as - "How would it feel if you could do the same thing and receive extra income each month, feel fulfilled or even give up your dependency on having to work for someone?"

Instead of overcoming what you think might be resistance, which means you think you know what everyone is thinking - Just keep your thoughts to yourself and address anything that comes up later.

Instead of saying - "We have the best compensation plan” Say - "We have a generous compensation plan that rewards people well."

Then continue by asking - "Have you ever thought of starting your own full or part-time business so that you can create your own security and start taking care of yourself and your family once again?"

Just as your down line's commissions flow up to you, YOUR commissions flow up to those 7 levels above you. Just as you are counting on your down line to purchase their auto ship this month, those above you are counting you to do the same. A successful Team works together, as a TEAM, and everyone must work for the betterment of the entire team. You must do your part to help those families above you by keeping your store active and enhancing your store as soon as possible. Why? If you want your down line team to do the same, you must set an example for them to follow.

TIP: The more you support your up line (by buying products and enrolling new folks), the more likely they are to assist you when you need it.

Think about it... if you are making no effort to build a team, they may think you are simply a customer who does not want to build a team. Therefore, when they place a new Distributor they have just enrolled, they will not even consider you.

Keep your store ACTIVE... help your Up line Team by purchasing your auto ship each and every month. - remember, YOUR Down line is watching what YOU do... so Lead by Example.

You get what you want... when you help others get what they want!

"Together, Everyone Achieves More" - When your team works together - everyone becomes more successful. When one person struggles - it affects the entire team. Offer to help anyone on your team that needs it... be a friend! This is how you build a STRONG team that will remain loyal and stay for the long term residual income.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Do the people in your group know exactly how to become leaders?

Do the people in your group know exactly how to become leaders?

If you are looking to earn a huge income, then leaders are everything. They are the most important factor in your growth. 

Ask your distributors, "What do distributors have to learn to become a leader?" 

The answers are ... sad. They say: 

* Become a better recruiter.
* Be more positive.
* Have a better vision.
* Act motivated.
* Learn to duplicate.
* Be brave and courageous.
* Set goals.
* Have a better attitude.
* Chant affirmations.
* Sing the company song.
* Have mastermind sessions chatting about books. 

These are all things that we should teach our distributors. 

But to become a leader, we have to teach them a special way to think, a special way to view the inevitable problems. And this exercise is not hard when we use experiences. Why? 

Because distributors can easily change their beliefs through experiences. Preaching and lecturing do not work. 

So use hard-core, real-life experiences to change the leadership beliefs in your motivated distributors. It is the best way to move them forward into leadership. 

Want a short, step-by-step Leadership course? Just read these two books: 

Leadership books

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"A Little Boy With A Plan"

"A Little Boy With A Plan"

The schoolteacher asked the little boy, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" 

The little boy replied, "A retired business man." 

Funny, but unfortunately many people are programmed to want success before they put in the work. Do you know anyone like that? 

They say, "I don't want to work hard now and not get paid for it. I don't want to wait a long time to build my income. I want my money now." 

Well, there are two reasons your prospect might say this. 

#1. The prospect thinks like the little boy. The prospect wants the rewards before the effort. You can't do much to help this person. The prospect has "job thinking" and wants instant pay for effort. 

#2. The prospect might be thinking, "Well, I am not sure of you and your business. I don't have confidence in the outcome. Maybe I will work hard, but you won't show me exactly what to do, and I will end up doing the wrong things and won't earn money." Now, you can do something about this. You can instill confidence in your prospects by telling them that you know the exact skills and how to do your business. 

When you get better at your profession, prospects sense your confidence and competence. It is much easier to sponsor prospects when you have that aura of success.