As noted above, we CAN'T make money...only the national mint can make money.
The way WE get money is to EARN it.
And that means we need to Work and LEARN new SKILLS.
That's true ESPECIALLY in Network Marketing - simply because we didn't learn anything about running a home business, networking, tax deductions for a home based business, influencing others or getting mentored from our formal education system! (And that's a big letdown!)
As you know, all JOBs require Skills. So do all professions - doctors, lawyers, CPAs, teachers, etc. Since Network Marketing is a Profession, it too requires Skills. And as with other Professions, it takes time to LEARN those skills!
No one can just put on a white smock and call themselves a doctor.
No one can just check out a law book from a library and call themselves a lawyer.
No one can just take out their checkbook and call themselves a CPA.
And no one can just join a Network Marketing company and call themselves a Professional Network Marketer.
That's a fact!
But there is Good News!
While others are Learning their professions - and usually amassing quite a bit of debt doing so, Network Marketing can be learned while earning a paycheck, even if it is small at first.
As Albert Einstein once said,
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
It's very similar to sports. You can play soccer or baseball on a barren dirt pitch or field as you start to learn the rules of the game. As you get better, you can join a local team and play on a better-manicured field. But if you really apply yourself and learn all the rules and all the skills, you may find yourself playing in stadiums and arenas around the world!
If you want to achieve some really big and interesting goals, you have to learn to fall in love with hard work.
~ Steve Pavlina
And, in essence, that 'hard work' consists mostly of Learning Skills that can be applied to reaching that goal!
Fortunately, for YOU, learning to become a Network Marketing professional does not have to take 12 years like becoming a doctor requires. Much of the learning can be done on your own, on a part-time basis, and - with a little guidance, can take no longer than 3-5 years. And in the meantime, you can earn the money to pay for your learning!
Even Dr Seuss knows:
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
Listening to and Learning from the mentors, the ones who have paved the way in Network Marketing, is a Great way to get started!
If you watch more videos of Les Brown, Zig Ziglar, Eric Worre (and many others) than you do of cute cats, you will Learn more about the right way to do Network Marketing. That goes for listening and reading, too!
One of my favorite authors, Douglas Adams, moreover, points out how YOU can be better at Learning than most other people:
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
And this is how Leaders and Big Earners make it to the top - they LEARN and DO more than others!
Most people really DO want to make more money, really DO want to pay less in taxes, really DO want healthier snacks for themselves and their families.
But...hey,...some people DON'T! You know the ones...the ones who would rather watch reruns on TV rather than watch a Les Brown DVD; who would rather play games into the wee hours of the morning rather than listen to a motivational CD; who would rather reread the TV Guide than read a book by a successful Network Marketer; who would rather drink by themselves at a bar than talk to a friend about their home business. Right?
So what are you supposed to do in order to grow your business? Simple...find the ones who are ready to Learn to Earn!
Only the curious will learn and only the resolute overcome the obstacles to learning. The quest quotient has always excited me more than the intelligence quotient.
~ Eugene S Wilson
But what do you say to find out who is ready?
THAT is what our upcoming training will teach you. But for now, just ASK them!
If you can ask 3 to 6 people a week if they are ready to LEARN to EARN, you should find 2-4 who will let you invite them to take our free web tour. If you do this for one year, you will have 30-60 people understanding the Vision and joining you in this business!
Are YOU ready for an Explosion in your downline and then in theirs?
Can YOU see yourself finally being Successful?
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